Middle Years

Middle Years at StAC approximates ages 12 - ​14, which equates to Years 7 – 9. In recognition of the fact that the Middle Years is a time of major transition from a “primary” to “secon​dary” orientation, there is a need for particular monitoring of student transition from the JY section of the College, and of students entering from local Catholic and State schools at Year 7 level. Significant rites of passage for students involved in these transitions have now become part of College life.

Consideration is given to:

  • Providing students with relevant information and assisting them to manage change in themselves, their environment and their society;
  • The curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning, which respond to the contemporary understandings of young adolescents (12 –14 year olds) as outlined in current middle schooling research and practice;
  • Establishing close ties with other schools sharing similar interests, including “feeder schools”.